Top Physical Therapists in Everett

After sustaining an injury and going through pain and/or surgery, it’s tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But as your physician has directed, in order to regain your normal function and to get back to your old self, physical therapy is a must. Whether your goal is to get mobility back, ease pain, manage a chronic illness, prevent future injury, physical therapy is meant to help. Also referred to as physiotherapists or PTs, physical therapists can practice at a variety of locations, ranging from clinics and schools, to fitness centers and hospices. In most cases, it probably won’t be hard for you to find a physical therapist close to you. Now finding a great physical therapist? That’s a different story!

At Everett Spine & Rehab, we are more than a chiropractic office. We offer physical therapy to Snohomish County residents and we’re currently in the Top Ten for best physical therapy in Everett on Yelp. Our dedicated team of experts are here to help you recover, regain strength and achieve your health goals. We treat those who have: suffered a sports injury; gotten into a car accident; got hurt on-the-job (workplace injury); have acute or chronic pain. Before physical therapy treatment begins, we will conduct a through examination to ensure we get you on the correct path to recovery.

Common injuries that may require physical therapy include:

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It is often thought that physical therapy is something done after you’re in pain or suffered an injury. While that is most often the case, physical therapy can also be used to help prevent injury. If you’re seeking physical therapy to promote your health or as a preventative care, please see us. We take an assessment to see if physical therapy will be a right fit for your healthy regimen.

Top Physical Therapists in Everett
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Top Physical Therapists in Everett
Everett Spine and Rehab
Everett Spine & Rehab
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