(425) 347-8614
Lynwood PT

Common FAQs about Physical Therapy

The human body is an amazing machine; walking, running, skipping, thinking, feeling, creating, and speaking doesn’t nearly cover the amount of things it can do. However, when our bodies get injured or we are in constant pain, we need a little help recovering. That’s where physical therapy comes in. Even though physical therapy has become more widely known over the…

oa of hip

Osteoarthritis: Management and Treatment

Osteoarthritis–while it’s widespread affecting millions worldwide, it’s also frequently misunderstood, leaving many grappling with its effects. Our aim here is to unravel the complexities of osteoarthritis, from its definition and underlying mechanisms to its profound impact on individuals’ daily lives. By gaining a deeper understanding of this condition, we can develop more effective strategies for managing and treating it. What…

Home Physical Therapy Injury Rehab Exercises

Dealing with an injury can be a challenging and often frustrating experience, especially when it hinders our ability to engage in daily activities or pursue our fitness goals. Physical therapy is a crucial component in the recovery journey, offering a structured approach to rehabilitate and strengthen the body. While professional guidance is invaluable, incorporating home exercises into your routine can…

bursitis treatment

What is Bursitis and How Can You Prevent It?

Have you ever gotten pain in your joints and even swelling? It might be bursitis. Bursitis is the inflammation of a bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates the areas between tendons, muscles, and bones. It commonly affects the joints, causing pain, swelling, and limited mobility. Bursitis Causes Bursitis is typically caused by repetitive movements or positions that…

kids healthy-tips for school

Keeping Kids Healthy for Back to School

The new school year brings a lot of challenges. A new classroom, new teachers, new kids, and all new stresses. But there are things you can do as a parent to help keep your kid healthy. To keep your kids healthy, make sure that they eat nutritious foods. Encourage them to get lots of exercise. Plus, keep them up-to-date on…

psoas muscle

What is Psoas Syndrome and How Can Physical Therapy Help?

Psoas syndrome is a rare and often misdiagnosed condition that presents itself as chronic lower back pain. This condition occurs when the psoas muscle becomes injured and anyone can get it, but runners and athletes are more likely to get injured. The psoas muscles are up to 16 inches long and extend from each side of your spine to connect…

Everett Chiro

Preventing Back Injury: What Can You Do?

  Back injuries are most common during a person’s most productive time of life. Not only can back injuries cause financial concerns, but they can be the cause of lifelong struggles with pain and discomfort. Injury to the back can affect any area between the neck to the tailbone or coccyx area. The muscles and ligaments supporting the spine and…

car accident injuries

Physical Therapy After Your Car Accident

Many people who walk away from an automobile accident are not feeling any pain symptoms at the time. However, symptoms from this body trauma sometimes won’t be felt for days or even weeks after the accident. It is crucial for a casualty victim to be evaluated for physical therapy as soon as possible after a car accident because severe symptoms…

safe in winter

Winter Safety Tips to Help Avoid Injury

The winter months bring a variety of personal injury risks. Being prepared for the changes in a person’s activities because of the shorter and colder days will help reduce the risk of severe bodily harm.   The most common injuries during the winter months are from falls, shoveling ice and snow, automobile accidents, and winter sports. These traumas to the…

joint and hip pain

Help for Hip and Joint Pain

Hip and joint pain is difficult to ignore. The victims endure the pain with every movement until the road to healing is mapped out by a specialist. Many circumstances of hip and joint pain benefit from non-surgical treatment as the first option. Patient education and behavior modification has been successful in reducing pain and swelling without surgery. Programs and resources…

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