(425) 347-8614
athletic care

Preventative Care: Routine Chiropractic Adjustments and Massage for Athletes

In the high-stakes world of athletics, maintaining peak physical condition is paramount. Athletes constantly push their bodies to the limit, striving for that extra edge over their competition. However, with intense training and competition comes the increased risk of injury and physical strain. This is where preventative care, particularly routine chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy, plays a crucial role in…

Back Surgery

Post-Surgery Recovery and Summer Activities: A Guide for Back Surgery Patients

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and outdoor activities. However, if you’ve recently undergone back surgery, you might be wondering how to safely enjoy the season while continuing your recovery. The most common types of back surgeries include discectomy (removal of herniated disc material), laminectomy (removal of part of the vertebra to relieve pressure on the spinal cord), and…

PT in Mukilteo

Lesser Known Reasons for Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a vital healthcare profession dedicated to enhancing and restoring functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities. Often, the benefits of physical therapy are associated with high-profile conditions like sports injuries or post-surgical rehabilitation. However, the scope of physical therapy extends far beyond these well-known areas. Physical therapy plays a crucial role…


Summer is Coming! Keep Your Back Healthy—Stay Hydrated!

During the summer, when temperatures are higher and you’re likely to be more active and sweating more, it’s important to drink plenty of water to stay adequately hydrated. This can help support the health of your spine and reduce the risk of back pain or discomfort. Staying hydrated is particularly important for your back pain or spine health during the…

Lynwood PT

Common FAQs about Physical Therapy

The human body is an amazing machine; walking, running, skipping, thinking, feeling, creating, and speaking doesn’t nearly cover the amount of things it can do. However, when our bodies get injured or we are in constant pain, we need a little help recovering. That’s where physical therapy comes in. Even though physical therapy has become more widely known over the…

Spring training

Getting Ready for Your Springtime Fitness Regimen? Read this First!

As the vibrant colors of spring begin to bloom, many find themselves inspired to shed the winter layers and embrace a renewed commitment to fitness. With longer days and warmer temperatures beckoning us outdoors, spring offers the perfect opportunity to revitalize our exercise routines and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just embarking on your…

benefits of massage

Recent Studies Documenting the Benefits of Massage Therapy and Beyond

In observance of National Sleep Awareness Month, the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) highlights recent research demonstrating the positive effects of massage on sleep quality. With significant portions of the U.S. population reporting inadequate rest, including those with chronic sleep disorders, understanding these benefits is crucial. Studies have shown that classical foot massage can effectively reduce insomnia and anxiety in…

What Foods Help with Back Pain?

March marks National Nutrition Month, a time dedicated to promoting the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy eating habits. As we delve into this month-long celebration of nutrition, it’s essential to recognize the profound impact diet can have on our overall well-being, including addressing common health concerns such as back pain. Back pain affects millions of people…

Combating Workplace Muscle Strain: 8 Ergonomic Tips and Chiropractic Solutions

In today’s bustling work environments, muscle strain injuries are a prevalent concern, often arising from the demands of daily tasks and repetitive motions. Whether it’s sitting at a desk for prolonged periods, engaging in physically demanding labor, or simply navigating through daily activities, the risk of muscle strain lurks around every corner. Why Do Muscle Sprains Happen at Work? Muscle…

oa of hip

Osteoarthritis: Management and Treatment

Osteoarthritis–while it’s widespread affecting millions worldwide, it’s also frequently misunderstood, leaving many grappling with its effects. Our aim here is to unravel the complexities of osteoarthritis, from its definition and underlying mechanisms to its profound impact on individuals’ daily lives. By gaining a deeper understanding of this condition, we can develop more effective strategies for managing and treating it. What…

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