Prevent Summertime Injuries with These 5 Tips
Summer is almost here! Soon, it will be time for sunny skies, pool parties, barbeques… and plenty of injuries. your summer tan, it’s important to keep yourself safe — and we have a few tips to help you!
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
The EPA estimates that extreme heat takes the lives of around 1,300 Americans each year. Heat-related illnesses are most common in the summer, so it’s very important that you take care to keep yourself cool.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day, rest in the shade or indoors when you can, and take breaks from any activity if you think you’re getting too warm.
Don’t Skimp on Sunscreen
Sunburn is a very common summer injury, and one that many people brush off as “no big deal.” However, sunburns can be very dangerous, as they increase your risk of developing skin cancer. Make sure to use sunscreen and other protective gear like hats and long sleeves to protect your skin when you spend time outdoors.
Be Smart Around Fireworks
Fireworks are especially popular around July 4th, but many people buy and use them all summer long. As a result, fireworks-related injuries soar every summer, with over 15,000 emergency room visits due to fireworks last year alone.
The best way to avoid injuries from fireworks is to not use them. However, if you do decide to purchase fireworks this summer, only light them outdoors and at a safe distance from people — and never light them in your hands.
Keep Kids Supervised
With children out of school during the summer, many families will make frequent visits to their local parks and swimming pools. However, this can lead to trouble; more than 200,000 children go to the emergency room each year because of injuries caused by playground equipment, and about 800 children each year drown in swimming pools.
The most important thing parents can do to prevent their children from suffering injuries is to supervise them while they play. This can help ensure safety and prevent kids from becoming seriously hurt.
Pay Attention to Your Body
During the summer months, many of us take advantage of the beautiful weather and work on household projects, play sports outdoors, or visit local hiking trails. This is great for your health — but if you try to take on too much, it can mean serious injuries.
The key to avoiding injury is to pay attention to your body. Notice if you feel any aches, pains, or strains and try not to overdo it.
And if you DO happen to hurt yourself, call your chiropractor or physical therapist right away. Early intervention from a professional can help your body heal quickly, so you can get back to enjoying the summertime.