(425) 347-8614
Mukilteo chiropractors

I think I threw my back! What do I do now?

While “throwing your back” isn’t a medical or scientific term, it is used to describe a host of symptoms. Muscle strain, spasm, and a ruptured disk are common causes for a thrown-out back; which can happen as quickly as lifting a weighty box or twisting to hit a ball when playing golf. You might already know (or well imagine) that…

Physical Therapy After Back Surgery

Back surgery is a significant event. Therefore, it is customary to have rehabilitative support such as physical therapy to help heal the surgical tissues, improve range of motion, and strengthen back muscles afterward. Depending on the type of surgery, physical therapy may start as early as 2-3 weeks after with complete healing by one year. There are many types of…

Why Are Some Medical Doctors Against Chiropractic?

It’s unfortunate and not all that surprising to hear some medical doctors object over chiropractic treatment. So why are some medical doctors still against chiropractic? Well, without getting too deep into the political side of things on this topic, I will say that there are big corporate interests continually promoting pharmaceutical prescription medications, surgeries and costly procedures which generates hundreds…

Benefits of chiropractic care

6 Benefits of Chiropractic Care

If you’ve never tried chiropractic care, you may simply be unaware of the benefits it can provide. The term “chiropractor” is derived from the Greek word for hand (“cheir”) and “praktos” which means “done.” From that description, one can glean that chiropractor medicine is one that is done by hands. More specifically, chiropractors utilize spinal manipulation and adjustments to the…

what is the spine?

What is the Spine?

When one mentions or describes chiropractic health, the spine will always be mentioned. But what exactly is the spine and what is its purpose? The spine (also referred to as the “backbone”) is our body’s support structure, which allows us to stand upright and move freely and be flexible. It is made up of 33 vertebrae (small bones) stacked on…

sciatica treatment

What Exactly is Sciatica?

You may have heard this term thrown around and you know it has to do something with back pain–“sciatic.” But what exactly is sciatica? If someone says, they have sciatica, they’re referring to the pain associated with their sciatic nerve. It’s not a condition itself, but a symptom of an underlying condition. The sciatic nerve is a major never that…

How to Find the Best Chiropractor

You have finally decided that you’re ready to see a chiropractor–great! But how do you choose one that’s right for you? After all, your health is at stake. So there is no reason to take this type of decision lightly. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but if we outline a few simple steps that will make…

Everett, WA Chiropractic Center

Be Kind to Your Spine: Sitting Tips

Want to be kind to your spine? Would you like to reduce the chances of back pain? Exert less stress on your spine by fixing the way you sit! Your posture matters. In today’s world, we often are sitting for hours in front of a computer screen with very minimal breaks in-between. Whether you’re at the office or at home,…

common workplace injuries

Common Workplace Injuries

As much as an employer tries to prevent workplace injuries (or perhaps not in all cases, unfortunately), accidents still happen. A workplace injury is simply any injury that occurs while you’re on the job. Injuries can be minor (cuts and scrapes), to severe (head and back injuries, broken bones etc.). They can happen suddenly or slowly over time. Common scenarios/work…

rear end collision

Rear-End Collision Injuries

According to the Washington State Department of Transportation 2015 Annual Collision report, a crash occurred every 4.5 minutes; a person was injured in a crash every 11 minutes; a motorcyclist was in a crash every 4 hours. These statistics are eye-opening. It’s no wonder we often see patients who have suffered from car accident injuries and are who are seeking pain…

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