6 Benefits of Chiropractic Care
If you’ve never tried chiropractic care, you may simply be unaware of the benefits it can provide. The term “chiropractor” is derived from the Greek word for hand (“cheir”) and “praktos” which means “done.” From that description, one can glean that chiropractor medicine is one that is done by hands. More specifically, chiropractors utilize spinal manipulation and adjustments to the joints and tissues, meant to help treat musculoskeletal (i.e. back pain, neck pain) other a variety of health issues.
- Spinal adjustments have been shown to improve immune function
- It can help with headaches and migraines. A 2011 study from the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological found that chiropractic care improves migraine and cervicogenic headaches.
- It’s drug-free and non-invasive. The American College of Physicians released an update in 2017 to its low back pain treatment guideline that recommends first using non-drug treatments, such as spinal manipulation (a centerpiece of chiropractic care), for acute and chronic low back pain.
- It’s not limited to adults—kids can get chiropractic treatment, too
- It may help with surgery prevention
- You may experience improved sleep
If you’d like to learn more about the type of chiropractic treatments we can provide for you and your specific health issue, please call us at 425-347-8614 or drop by our Everett, Wa office—we’re on the border of Lynnwood and Mill Creek.