(425) 347-8614

Preventing a Hunched Back

A lot of patients come in and say, “I don’t want to end up looking like that old lady pushing that walker around the grocery store hunched forward, barely able to lift her head and looking over the edge of the shopping cart.” First of all, let’s think about it. What causes it? It could be from a trauma experienced…

What Does a Chiropractor Do?

There are people all over the world who swear by the benefits of seeing a chiropractor regularly. Maybe your own health professional has recommended you see one to cure some of your various aches, pains, and ailments. Among people with neck and back pain, around 74% have sought chiropractor for treatment. But what, exactly, does a chiropractor do? According to…

can tai chi help with lower back pain

Can Tai Chi Help with Back Pain?

Back pain. Those two little words resonate with so many! After all, back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives. The pain can be dull and constant or sudden and sharp. Needless to say, those who suffer from chronic pain seek relief wherever and however they can. Treatments vary depending on your condition, and…

Everett massage for psoas muscle

PSOAS Muscle Relief

What is the PSOAS muscle? There are actually two PSOAS muscles, the major and the minor. There are 3 significant muscles that connect your spine to your leg–the gluteus maximus, piriformis and you guessed it–the psoas muscles. What does the PSOAS do exactly? You can thank these muscles for allowing you to stand and walk upright as well as helping…

Everett chiropractor

When Should I See an Everett Chiropractor?

If you’ve never visited a chiropractor, you may wonder what even is the point of seeing one? You know it has something to do with backs and spines but what specifically would make someone book an appointment? What can a chiropractor do for you? Just as one may see their primary care physician to treat an infection, a viral condition…

massage therapy for fibromyalgia

Does Massage Work for Fibromyalgia?

  Massage therapy has been used thousands of years as a healing method. Its origins date back to ancient India where it was used as ayurvedic medicine. Today, people seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons: treating back pain, neck pain, anxiety, strains, headaches, injuries, and even conditions such as fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a disorder that involves widespread pain,…

Everett chiropractor

What is Osteoporosis?

Did you know that May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month? Did you also know that osteoporosis is a preventable and treatable disease? We will dive into prevention, but first, let’s review what osteoporosis actually is. Osteoporosis (or porous bone) is a disease characterized by low bone mass and structural deterioration of bone tissue. This leads to bone fragility…

Top pt in Everett, Wa

Top Physical Therapists in Everett

After sustaining an injury and going through pain and/or surgery, it’s tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But as your physician has directed, in order to regain your normal function and to get back to your old self, physical therapy is a must. Whether your goal is to get mobility back, ease pain, manage a…

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