(425) 347-8614

The Importance of Physical Therapy After a Car Accident

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there have been over 6 million car accidents in the United States per year for the past five years. While some accidents incur property damage only, unfortunately, almost one-third of these accidents injure someone. When overcoming the trauma of a car accident, physical therapy can be instrumental in a patient’s path…

Everett chiropractor

Neck Pain Relief, From Home Remedies to Physical Therapy

Neck pain. One minute everything is fine, and then Bam! You turn the wrong way, pull your neck, and everything in your day stops. It’s a fairly common occurrence. About two-thirds of all people will experience non-specific neck pain in their lifetime. It is more common among middle age people, particularly women. Sometimes, however, neck pain is due to an…

Mukilteo physical therapist

5 Reasons You Would Need to Seek Physical Therapy

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) defines a physical therapist as a trained healthcare professional who can help patients manage their pain, restore physical movement, prevent disability, and diagnose mobility abnormalities. Physical therapists are critical in helping patients achieve their goals and lead full, independent lives. They can be found in many healthcare centers, including private practices, hospitals, schools, rehab…

whiplash Mill Creek

Why You Need Physical Therapy for Neck and Back Pain After a Car Accident

According to the CDC, about 3 million Americans sustain injuries in car accidents each year. Though non-fatal, these injuries lead to substantial setbacks in time, money, and quality of life. In particular, back pain and neck pain left untreated can form chronic, life-altering conditions. Research shows that physical interventions make a marked difference in the recovery of car accident victims.…

Snohomish County physical therapist

What to Look for in Physical Therapist

Shopping for a new couch, a great pair of running shoes, or a refrigerator? You know the steps it takes to make a sound decision. You ask your friends, check out reviews on Amazon and watch some videos on the product. If the features fit and the price is right (if price is a factor), then you make the purchase.…

Chiropractic and physical therapy telehealth phone consultation

Everett Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Clinic: Telehealth

The way we all live now, across the globe, has drastically changed. For many of us in the United States, that means telecommuting, at-home schooling for our kids, social distancing, meal deliveries, wearing face-coverings, and virtual meetings galore. The pandemic has no doubt interrupted our daily routines. With our heroic healthcare workers handling the front lines at hospitals, it leaves…

Top pt in Everett, Wa

Top Physical Therapists in Everett

After sustaining an injury and going through pain and/or surgery, it’s tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But as your physician has directed, in order to regain your normal function and to get back to your old self, physical therapy is a must. Whether your goal is to get mobility back, ease pain, manage a…

Back Pain Everett

Does Yoga Really Help for Back Pain?

The practice of yoga is an ancient one—the earliest form dates back to approximately 3,000 BC. Today, yoga is synonymous with exercise and healthy living. You may have heard it’s great for building flexibility and strength (and a whole host of other health benefits). But you’ve got back pain and you want to know will it help?     The good news is that studies have evidence that yoga…

Physical Therapy Clinic Everett, WA

What Will Happen During My Physical Therapy Session?

You’ve taken the first step and made a great choice in securing your physical therapy session! Physical therapy is a great way to regain normal mobility and can even be used as preventative treatment (maintaining good movement, flexibility).   Now you are wondering what will go on during your first session. Keep in mind that depending on what you come…

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