(425) 347-8614

The Hidden Dangers of Car Accident Injuries: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore the Pain

Car accidents, even minor ones, can leave a lasting impact on your body. While some injuries are immediately obvious, others may take days or even weeks to appear. Ignoring these hidden injuries can lead to chronic pain, reduced mobility, and long-term health complications. This is why seeking care—especially from a physical therapist—is crucial after an accident, even if you feel…

Home Physical Therapy Injury Rehab Exercises

Dealing with an injury can be a challenging and often frustrating experience, especially when it hinders our ability to engage in daily activities or pursue our fitness goals. Physical therapy is a crucial component in the recovery journey, offering a structured approach to rehabilitate and strengthen the body. While professional guidance is invaluable, incorporating home exercises into your routine can…

Understanding Stem Cell Injections for Pain Relief

One of the worst things that can happen to someone is experiencing chronic pain, especially after a car accident. Pain inhibits your movements and, in most cases, lowers your quality of life. While many treatments are available, most have several potential side effects. However, stem cell injections can be an excellent treatment option for chronic pain. What are Stem Cell…

car accident injuries

Physical Therapy After Your Car Accident

Many people who walk away from an automobile accident are not feeling any pain symptoms at the time. However, symptoms from this body trauma sometimes won’t be felt for days or even weeks after the accident. It is crucial for a casualty victim to be evaluated for physical therapy as soon as possible after a car accident because severe symptoms…

chiropractor versus orthopedist

Do I Need to See a Chiropractor or Orthopedist?

Body pain can be unbearable, and when we hurt, it’s difficult to know where to get the best help. Having information about chiropractors and orthopedists can help define where to start the healing process. Chiropractors The Chiropractic practice is a regulated health care profession. Chiropractors have graduated from accredited chiropractic colleges and are honored with a Doctor of Chiropractic Degree.…

safe dirving

Drive Safely to Avoid Accidents and Injury

Car accidents can happen at any time, and even minor collisions can result in injuries. Some of the most common car accident injuries include:   Whiplash: When your body stops suddenly, the force can put a tremendous amount of pressure on the muscles and ligaments of your neck. While painful, these injuries are generally recoverable. Bruising: Many violent accidents and…

rib pain

Why Do My Ribs Hurt After a Car Accident?

The first thing you should do after a car accident is check yourself and anyone else involved for injury. Collisions often cause damage to both your car and your body – and some damage isn’t always visible at first blush. For example, many people find themselves asking this question after a fender bender: “Why do my ribs hurt?” Possible Injuries…

How to Find the Best Chiropractor

You have finally decided that you’re ready to see a chiropractor–great! But how do you choose one that’s right for you? After all, your health is at stake. So there is no reason to take this type of decision lightly. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but if we outline a few simple steps that will make…

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