(425) 347-8614
Everett chiropractor

Neck Pain Relief, From Home Remedies to Physical Therapy

Neck pain. One minute everything is fine, and then Bam! You turn the wrong way, pull your neck, and everything in your day stops. It’s a fairly common occurrence. About two-thirds of all people will experience non-specific neck pain in their lifetime. It is more common among middle age people, particularly women. Sometimes, however, neck pain is due to an…

Mukilteo physical therapist

5 Reasons You Would Need to Seek Physical Therapy

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) defines a physical therapist as a trained healthcare professional who can help patients manage their pain, restore physical movement, prevent disability, and diagnose mobility abnormalities. Physical therapists are critical in helping patients achieve their goals and lead full, independent lives. They can be found in many healthcare centers, including private practices, hospitals, schools, rehab…

whiplash Mill Creek

Why You Need Physical Therapy for Neck and Back Pain After a Car Accident

According to the CDC, about 3 million Americans sustain injuries in car accidents each year. Though non-fatal, these injuries lead to substantial setbacks in time, money, and quality of life. In particular, back pain and neck pain left untreated can form chronic, life-altering conditions. Research shows that physical interventions make a marked difference in the recovery of car accident victims.…

everett spine rehab

Pain Free with Chiropractic Care. It Works!

Pain. We all fight against it. Although it can be a useful indicator to a problem at times, the obstacles it can present to normal functioning can be significant. Seeking medication or even surgery to alleviate discomfort is common, but not always effective. While these approaches can bring relief, they are often not necessary, superficial, and only treat symptoms. Pain…

healthy kid

How to Raise Healthy Kids

Dr. Gill from Everett Spine and Rehab, an all-in-one clinic handling chiropractic treatment, physical therapy and massage therapy, speaks today about how to raise healthy children. How do we plant seeds to grow healthy kids. Like planting and gardening, wonderful seeks and a lot of TLC, planting the seeds to grow healthy kids requires lot of specific choices that’s really…

work injury hands

Workplace Hand Injuries

Despite all the amazing things our bodies can do, it is easy to take our hands for granted. This intricate organ comprised of 27 bones is something many of us depend on constantly and presume we will always be able to use. However, if our hand becomes injured, we realize how fragile they can be and how important it is…

Everett massage therapy

Why Would You Need a Neuromuscular Massage?

Anyone can have sore muscles occasionally. Exertion from exercise or work often results in common aches and pains. A massage treatment can be helpful at times like these, but when muscular pain is more serious, a different approach may be necessary. In cases of severe or ongoing pain, neuromuscular massage may be in order. Also called Trigger Point Myotherapy, the…

joint pain

Joint Pain? Should You Use Ice or Heat?

  Ice or heat? That’s the question…when it comes to joint pain. Today Dr. Gill talks about whether you should use ice or heat for back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, basically any kind of joint pain you might be having. Speaking in general terms, ice is usually the best for acute conditions meaning the injury happened in…

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