(425) 347-8614
athletic care

Preventative Care: Routine Chiropractic Adjustments and Massage for Athletes

In the high-stakes world of athletics, maintaining peak physical condition is paramount. Athletes constantly push their bodies to the limit, striving for that extra edge over their competition. However, with intense training and competition comes the increased risk of injury and physical strain. This is where preventative care, particularly routine chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy, plays a crucial role in…

stretches after chiropractor care

What Stretches and Exercises Can You Do to Complement Chiropractic Care?

Have you recently visited your chiropractor? Perhaps you went in for back pain, neck pain or your routine adjustments. You’re not alone as it’s estimated that chiropractors treat over 35 million Americans every year. Complementing chiropractic treatment with exercises and stretches at home can be highly beneficial in improving your overall musculoskeletal health, enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment, and…

chiropractor in Snohomish County

Top Reasons to See a Chiropractor in 2023

A new year is upon us and with it is our annual new year’s resolutions. The most popular ones are losing weight, getting in shape, reducing stress, sleeping better, traveling more, and stopping smoking. Sadly, most of us give it our all for January, but we have submitted to defeat by February. The year 2023 can be different if at…

tips for a healthy spine

The Keys To A Healthy Spine

39% of adults in the United States reported having back pain in the past 3 months. 54% of those adults reported having neck or back pain that has lasted for at least 5 years. A whopping 73% said they use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain treatment. Back and neck pain links to the spine, one of the most important parts…


Office Space Ergonomics That Supports Your Body

If you’re working from home or in an office setting, your body will be happier if you construct an ergonomically correct workspace. The goal of ergonomics is to fit the worker’s environment to the worker, and this process will increase productivity and reduce back, neck, wrist, and shoulder strain. Ideally, if you have the luxury of choosing your office set-up…

back pain that gets worse

Four Things That Make Back Pain Worse

Back pain is a serious disorder that can cause a person’s productivity to be limited and also dramatically increase a person’s medical costs. Back injuries and pain are the most common reasons patients call or visit their physician for help. Pain radiating from the back can last a few days (acute pain) or more than three months (chronic pain). A…

safe in winter

Winter Safety Tips to Help Avoid Injury

The winter months bring a variety of personal injury risks. Being prepared for the changes in a person’s activities because of the shorter and colder days will help reduce the risk of severe bodily harm.   The most common injuries during the winter months are from falls, shoveling ice and snow, automobile accidents, and winter sports. These traumas to the…

Chiropractic and physical therapy telehealth phone consultation

Everett Chiropractic and Physical Therapy Clinic: Telehealth

The way we all live now, across the globe, has drastically changed. For many of us in the United States, that means telecommuting, at-home schooling for our kids, social distancing, meal deliveries, wearing face-coverings, and virtual meetings galore. The pandemic has no doubt interrupted our daily routines. With our heroic healthcare workers handling the front lines at hospitals, it leaves…

what is the spine?

What is the Spine?

When one mentions or describes chiropractic health, the spine will always be mentioned. But what exactly is the spine and what is its purpose? The spine (also referred to as the “backbone”) is our body’s support structure, which allows us to stand upright and move freely and be flexible. It is made up of 33 vertebrae (small bones) stacked on…

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