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can tai chi help with lower back pain

Can Tai Chi Help with Back Pain?

Back pain. Those two little words resonate with so many! After all, back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives. The pain can be dull and constant or sudden and sharp. Needless to say, those who suffer from chronic pain seek relief wherever and however they can. Treatments vary depending on your condition, and…

Back pain and being overweight

How Does Being Obese Affect Back Pain?

Is there a connection between weight and back pain? Quite simply–yes! It goes without saying that being overweight is unhealthy. But aside from increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., those with those extra pounds are at risk for lower back pain, too. Further, a study published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism found that overweight and…

Everett Chiropractor for Back Pain

6 Ways to Ease Your Back Pain

Lower back pain is a persistent throbbing ailment that will limit quality of life, especially after mid life. You’ve either experienced this and can attest, or you will at some point in life. According to health.harvard.edu, lower back pain affects about 80% of the population, usually in older age. It is a natural progression of living life as the bone…

Everett, WA Chiropractic Center

Be Kind to Your Spine: Sitting Tips

Want to be kind to your spine? Would you like to reduce the chances of back pain? Exert less stress on your spine by fixing the way you sit! Your posture matters. In today’s world, we often are sitting for hours in front of a computer screen with very minimal breaks in-between. Whether you’re at the office or at home,…

Managing back pain

Managing Back Pain from Sitting

When you sit in a similar position and location for an extended period, it may contribute to back pain you experience in your normal life. Depending on the type of pain and the situation, you may need to consider chiropractic care in Everett. At Everett Spine and Rehab, we offer solutions based on the situation and the severity of the…

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