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text neck syndrome

Text-Neck: What is It and Ways to Avoid

Neck pain is a widespread problem, primarily reported in adults. Yet, neck pain experienced in adulthood often starts with our actions as adolescents. Text-neck, in particular, is causing neck problems to be much more common in people under 18. On average, adolescents spend five to seven hours a day looking at their phones. This doesn’t include time spent looking at…

sleep back pain

The Connection Between Poor Sleep and Low Back Pain

Most humans are likely to experience some form of low back pain during their lives. Injuries, obesity, medical conditions, pregnancy, or any other physiological cause could create this pain; however, recent research has linked some low back pain to insomnia and sleep disturbances. Chronic pain has always been an apparent reason for poor sleep, but what makes this study unique…

back pain and weights

Weight Lifting Tips for those with Back Pain

It’s that time of year again. One year is winding down, and people are starting to think of the new year with new plans and new goals. For a lot of people, a new year often brings about health related resolutions. People are looking to get back into the gym, eat healthier, and just feel better. These are all great…

chiropractor in Snohomish County

Top Reasons to See a Chiropractor in 2023

A new year is upon us and with it is our annual new year’s resolutions. The most popular ones are losing weight, getting in shape, reducing stress, sleeping better, traveling more, and stopping smoking. Sadly, most of us give it our all for January, but we have submitted to defeat by February. The year 2023 can be different if at…

slipping and falling accidents

Fall Injuries in the Winter: How Can You Prevent Them?

Every year, 3 million older adults go to the emergency room for fall injuries, and about 800,000 of them are hospitalized. Falls aren’t just dangerous for older adults, though. Falls are the leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). No matter your age, you should know your risk of falling and how you can prevent it. Snow and ice make…

backpack pain kids

Keeping Your Kids Back-Pain Free

School can be rough on your kid’s back. They’re sitting most of the day, and many kids will slouch in their seat or hunch over their desk. Many schools require that they carry several books around all day. Or, maybe your kid has a heavy backpack that they carry on their walk to and from school. What can you do…

kids healthy-tips for school

Keeping Kids Healthy for Back to School

The new school year brings a lot of challenges. A new classroom, new teachers, new kids, and all new stresses. But there are things you can do as a parent to help keep your kid healthy. To keep your kids healthy, make sure that they eat nutritious foods. Encourage them to get lots of exercise. Plus, keep them up-to-date on…

tips for a healthy spine

The Keys To A Healthy Spine

39% of adults in the United States reported having back pain in the past 3 months. 54% of those adults reported having neck or back pain that has lasted for at least 5 years. A whopping 73% said they use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain treatment. Back and neck pain links to the spine, one of the most important parts…

practicing yoga

Yoga, Pilates and Workouts that Help with Back Pain

Back pain affects many Americans each year: almost 65 million report new back pain, and about 16 million adults report chronic ongoing back pain. Back pain is a consistent issue that can disable or slow you down, and many industries spend billions of dollars trying to relieve people of recent or chronic back pain. Back pain can be challenging to…

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