(425) 347-8614
Stretching benefits

Is Stretching Beneficial to Your Health?

To be or not to be? To stretch, or not to stretch? Does stretching provide any benefits? The short answer? Absolutely! In fact, the American Heart Association recommends including strengthening and stretching exercise as part of your moderate and intense aerobic activities for maximum benefit. The American College of Sports Medicine includes flexibility exercises under their exercise recommendations. Specifically, that…

Back Pain Everett

Does Yoga Really Help for Back Pain?

The practice of yoga is an ancient one—the earliest form dates back to approximately 3,000 BC. Today, yoga is synonymous with exercise and healthy living. You may have heard it’s great for building flexibility and strength (and a whole host of other health benefits). But you’ve got back pain and you want to know will it help?     The good news is that studies have evidence that yoga…

what is the spine?

What is the Spine?

When one mentions or describes chiropractic health, the spine will always be mentioned. But what exactly is the spine and what is its purpose? The spine (also referred to as the “backbone”) is our body’s support structure, which allows us to stand upright and move freely and be flexible. It is made up of 33 vertebrae (small bones) stacked on…

Everett, WA Chiropractic Center

Be Kind to Your Spine: Sitting Tips

Want to be kind to your spine? Would you like to reduce the chances of back pain? Exert less stress on your spine by fixing the way you sit! Your posture matters. In today’s world, we often are sitting for hours in front of a computer screen with very minimal breaks in-between. Whether you’re at the office or at home,…

Do you have knee pain?

Suffering from Knee Pain?

Knee pain can be as mysterious as it is debilitating. Even if you don’t recall actually twisting or wrenching your knee, you may still be suffering from the long-term effects of subtle musculoskeletal imbalances that have placed your knee under unnatural stress. Let’s take a basic “guided tour” of your knee pain’s possible causes and how our Everett WA chiropractic…

Mill creek physical therapy

How to Get Treatment for Your On-the-Job Injury

There are many ways you can be injured at work, and that’s true no matter what type of job you have. Whether your work injury involves a sudden traumatic event, or it developed over time due to the conditions you work under regularly, you can benefit from the range of chiropractic and other services we offer at Everett Spine and…

Managing back pain

Managing Back Pain from Sitting

When you sit in a similar position and location for an extended period, it may contribute to back pain you experience in your normal life. Depending on the type of pain and the situation, you may need to consider chiropractic care in Everett. At Everett Spine and Rehab, we offer solutions based on the situation and the severity of the…

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