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chiropractic care

Fall Sports and Chiropractic Care: Why Would You Need It?

Fall is here, and with the season, comes many beloved, high-impact fall sports like hockey and football. According to experts, 90 percent of the top athletes are under the care of a chiropractor to prevent injuries and improve sports performance. Without a doubt, Chiropractic care offers athletes numerous benefits. Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes   Why would an athlete…

Mukilteo chiropractors

I think I threw my back! What do I do now?

While “throwing your back” isn’t a medical or scientific term, it is used to describe a host of symptoms. Muscle strain, spasm, and a ruptured disk are common causes for a thrown-out back; which can happen as quickly as lifting a weighty box or twisting to hit a ball when playing golf. You might already know (or well imagine) that…

Physical Therapy After Back Surgery

Back surgery is a significant event. Therefore, it is customary to have rehabilitative support such as physical therapy to help heal the surgical tissues, improve range of motion, and strengthen back muscles afterward. Depending on the type of surgery, physical therapy may start as early as 2-3 weeks after with complete healing by one year. There are many types of…

joint pain

Joint Pain? Should You Use Ice or Heat?

  Ice or heat? That’s the question…when it comes to joint pain. Today Dr. Gill talks about whether you should use ice or heat for back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, basically any kind of joint pain you might be having. Speaking in general terms, ice is usually the best for acute conditions meaning the injury happened in…

Preventing a Hunched Back

A lot of patients come in and say, “I don’t want to end up looking like that old lady pushing that walker around the grocery store hunched forward, barely able to lift her head and looking over the edge of the shopping cart.” First of all, let’s think about it. What causes it? It could be from a trauma experienced…

What Does a Chiropractor Do?

There are people all over the world who swear by the benefits of seeing a chiropractor regularly. Maybe your own health professional has recommended you see one to cure some of your various aches, pains, and ailments. Among people with neck and back pain, around 74% have sought chiropractor for treatment. But what, exactly, does a chiropractor do? According to…

can tai chi help with lower back pain

Can Tai Chi Help with Back Pain?

Back pain. Those two little words resonate with so many! After all, back pain affects 8 out of 10 people at some point in their lives. The pain can be dull and constant or sudden and sharp. Needless to say, those who suffer from chronic pain seek relief wherever and however they can. Treatments vary depending on your condition, and…

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