(425) 347-8614
Massage therapist in Everett

Massage Therapy for Pain and Injury

When a person is in pain sometimes the only thing they know for sure is that they want that pain to stop, or at least let up as soon as possible. Some head to their doctor and have pain medication prescribed and get assigned a few exercises that are supposed to help. In many cases, the pain cannot be managed…

Managing back pain

Managing Back Pain from Sitting

When you sit in a similar position and location for an extended period, it may contribute to back pain you experience in your normal life. Depending on the type of pain and the situation, you may need to consider chiropractic care in Everett. At Everett Spine and Rehab, we offer solutions based on the situation and the severity of the…

Chiro in Mill Creek

Whiplash FAQs

If you were just in an auto accident and you don’t have any apparent broken bones, you might turn your attention to your vehicle. That said, you may have soft tissue injuries you don’t even yet realize, such as a whiplash injury. Here’s everything you need to know about whiplash: Q: What is whiplash? A: Whiplash is soft tissue damage…

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